Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Movie Review: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Since Summer is almost over, so is the season of big block buster flicks. What better way to end these hot couple of months with a non-stop, action packed, adrenaline fueled movie like Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation? Well, let me tell you now that if you're a fan of the franchise you'll have plenty to love in Rogue Nation.

Rogue Nation continues with the adventures of Ethan Hunt, super  spy of the IMF as he squares off with a rogue faction known as The Syndicate. The gang is basically all back together, save for the female cast who always seems to have to be replaced after every movie. We have Jeremy Renner reprising his role as William Brandt from Mission Impossible 4, Ving Rhames as Luther Stickell and Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn. New to the franchise is Alec Baldwin as Alan Hunley (director of the CIA), Rebeccsa Ferguson as Ilsa Faust (New female good guy) and  Sean Harris as Solomon Lane (Rogue Nations bad guy). With veterans and new comers alike, Rogue Nation showcases a strong cast that deliver entertaining performances and fantastic on-screen chemistry. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Movie Review: Ant-Man

Marvel movies continue to deliver some fantastic blockbuster films for all ages to enjoy. Whether you're a die hard fan of the comics or a new-comer for the films, there's no denying that Marvel throws out entertaining movies left, right and center. From big action, group movies like Avengers to character driven espionage like Captain America 2, Marvel pretty much has everything going on for them. So what about something on a smaller scale? Say...ant-sized perhaps?

Well, Ant-Man basically covers even more ground for Marvel in that it takes one of it's hardest to market character ever and puts him right on the big-screen. How can someone named Ant-Man be a cool super hero? Well, as it turns out, quite easily.
After watching Ant-Man, it has easily sky rocketed up my list of favorite Marvel movies, a feat that I was sure it couldn't do. I mean as much as I really like Ant-Man in the comics, I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to do him justice in the film. Fortunately, I was wrong and what I got was an incredibly funny, action packed adventure that goes to show that Marvel can still deliver a great flick even when the scale has been brought down a peg. 

God damn do I like Paul Rudd...oh and the Ant-Man costume is pretty fantastic too

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Movie Review: Terminator Genisys

Let me start off by saying how incredibly skeptical I was about Terminator Genisys. I went into this movie thinking that it was going to be an absolute train wreck of a film, especially considering how T3 and Terminator: Salvation essentially took a massive dump on some childhood classics. But then again, I also thought Jurassic World would be a massive disappointment too, so Genisys should have a decent chance at being good, dumb, entertainment right?

Actually yeah, Terminator Genisys was actually pretty damn good for what it is.

Don't get me wrong, this is by no means a perfect film what so ever. In fact, if you haven't seen the original Terminator or Terminator 2: Judgement Day (either in a while or ever) then I whole heartedly suggest you go watch those two films before heading into Genisys. Genisys, to me, hit all the right marks that made it a worthy sequel to the first two Terminators, just like how Jurassic World is a worthy sequel to the original Jurassic Park.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Movie Review: Inside Out

Whoever says that Pixar are losing their edge when it comes to imagination and creative film concepts, they have not seen their latest masterpiece Inside Out.

Inside Out plays with the concept of emotions and how they control us. Literally controlling us. As in using a control board in your head to make sure you feel the right kind of emotion for the relevant situation. It's a generally old concept but Pixar manages to make it feel fresh and brilliant with their stellar writing and characterization.

Prepare to feel feelings!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Movie Review: Jurassic World

They definitely spared no expense this time around
As a kid, I loved the original Jurassic Park. I've been told by my parents that I would watch that movie hundreds of times. I remember having tons of Jurassic Park themed toys and dinosaur related objects just because the original movie managed to create an unfathomable magic about those giant extinct lizards.

Unfortunately for the Jurassic Park franchise, the movies got worse and worse, failing to reignite the majesty and wonder that the original had. In a sense, my childhood took a hard beating and it didn't look to recover itself. So with the news that another Jurassic Park movie would be coming out, skepticism was at an all time high. There's no way this new movie could be better than the original, in fact there's no possible way this could even be any good whatsoever.

I was right though, it wasn't as good as the original. However I was wrong...incredibly wrong when I thought that this movie might end up being a train wreck. Jurassic World managed to be an incredible adventure that successfully reignited my love for the original. In short, I was blown away.

Movie Review: Tomorrowland

It's been a while but I finally have some time to sit down and write my review of Tomorrowland, the new film by Disney and director Brad Bird.

Well, 'new' might be a little bit of an overstatement, the movie came out a while ago. Nontheless, I believe it deserves to be reviewed like any other film despite the period of time between me watching it and finally sitting down and writing about it.

Long story short, Tomorrowland is pretty mediocre. It starts off as a story about adventure and quickly folds into itself as a very preachy kind of movie that tries to teach it's audience a lesson, but doesn't do so in a successful manner.

The start of a very...mediocre adventure

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Movie Review: Mad Max: Fury Road

What a lovely day indeed
John Wick, Dredd and Mad Max: Fury Road all have one thing in common, and it's that these three movies have managed to bring about a renaissance of what I like to call the 'one sequence' action flick. Going into Mad Max, I wasn't expecting to be as blown as away as I was. I was looking forward to seeing a balls to the wall crazy action flick about a bunch of crazy people fighting with frankenstein cars. Well, I basically got that, but with 100 times more insanity and I loved it.