Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Biggest News from Gamescom 2014

For those not in the know, Gamescom is the worlds largest video game convention. Even larger than E3 with an attendance rate in the 6 digits.

Anyways, this years Gamescom has been incredibly exciting so far with a slew of great news being poured out of the pipes as we speak. I could hardly contain my excitement, so I'm going to write this article with the biggest news from Gamescom!

In no particular order, here is the biggest news from Gamescom 2014:

1. Halo 5 multiplayer will be like classic Halo multiplayer

Some images from the Beta
One of the biggest complaints coming from veterans and hardcore fans of the Halo games was that Halo 4 ruined the perfect competitive balance that previous Halo games had by introducing load-outs and using spartan abilities (more so than Reach).

If you're not aware, classic Halo multiplayer was incredibly balanced. Bungie made sure that it wasn't the type of gun you carried that would decide your fate, but how you wield it. As such, each map and each spawn point is mirrored. Everyone has similar starts. This means that everyone has the same weapon pick-ups and same vehicle spawns. Weapon spawns are all over the map, forcing you to learn their locations if you choose to look for them. As such, you start to learn how to handle your different weapons with deadly precision. You learn the maps and you learn the routes. It was a flawless design in competitive multiplayer.

So to fans everywhere, it was great hearing that 343 Industries is making Halo 5 multiplayer just like classic Halo, removing load-outs from the equation entirely. Spartan abilities are still present, but in most cases, they don't really affect the overall outcome of a match anyways, they still required you to learn how to use them effectively. If anything, they may have ability pick-ups scattered around the map as well.

2. Tomb Raider sequel is a Microsoft Timed Exclusive

(image from

Probably one of the most disappointing pieces of news from Gamescom this year was that Rise of the Tomb Raider would be an Xbox Exclusive. Well, that's what it looked like at first.

Around Monday, it was announced at the Microsoft press conference that Rise of the Tomb Raider would be an Xbox One exclusive, causing outrage and anger across the internet. It didn't make sense, why would a multiplatform franchise suddenly go exclusive? Especially when it's a franchise that Square Enix thought wasn't successful enough across 3 platforms? They'd literally be digging themselves a grave and would be missing out on millions of sales by going exclusive.

As it turns out, Phil Spencer cleared up the message by saying that the exclusivity of Rise of the Tomb Raider would not last. You see, the words 'exclusive to Xbox One holiday 2015' were used by Phil Harrison. Clearly a means of making people think that it would be an exclusive. Buzz words like this really piss me off, but in the end, the game remains a timed exclusive to the Xbox One, a move that hurts Square Enix as much as it hurts gamers.

3. PS4 hits a major milestone, tons of announcements

Now 10 million strong!

(image from

Sony usually has amazing Gamescom conferences. This year was no different.

To start off, Sony makes a quick announcement that the PS4 has sold 10 million worldwide in under 9 months. Impressive, considering that it's currently outpacing the PS2. 

On top of that, we were given a sneak peak at version 2.0 for the PS4 which introduces Shareplay. Shareplay allows PS4 users to play their games with other PS4 users who don't have the game. This is restricted to local co-op games however, but is a pretty big feature. Imagine wanting to play a co-op game with someone but they don't want to buy the game? simply send them a Shareplay invite and you'll both be enjoying the game together with no issues at all!

We were also given some trailers for upcoiming PS4 releases such a HellBlade from developer Ninja Theory (Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DMC), The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Drive Club, The Order 1886, Bloodborne and much much more. Hell, even Tearaway, a Vita exclusive, is now coming to the PS4 with enhanced graphics and features. We're also looking at Journey and The Unfinished Swan coming to the PS4, which will also be free to those who already owned the games on PS3.

Oh and Bohemia Interactive is also working on bringing Day Z to the PS4. Plenty of support here fellas!

4. Silent Hills is a thing being made by Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro


This was possibly the biggest announcement to come out of Gamescom. So here's a quick run down:

During the Sony press conference, Kojima came on stage to show off a quick trailer of MGSV wwith Snake messing around in a box. Classic Metal Gear. He leaves, leaving some people a little disappointed, hoping for more. Suddenly a trailer for a mysterious game comes on the stage.

The trailer was teasing something called P.T. which was available for the PS4 right then and there for free. Of course, being free, everyone jumped right into it and played. Turns out P.T. would scare the ever living shit out of people, providing a horror experience unlike any other. 

After a while, one twitch streamer known as Soapy managed to finish P.T. and was given a little treat.

A trailer of a new Silent Hill game called Silent Hills with Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro involvement and The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus as the games protagonist.

Many tears of happiness were shed. 

Guillermo Del Toro can build worlds, he can also create grotesque creatures that would be perfect for Silent Hill. Hell, the creatures we see in Pans Labyrinth are a perfect fit already! Then there's Hideo Kojima, who of course needs no introduction. His story-telling prowess and vision makes fans believe that this new Silent Hill will finally bring the series back to it's roots and back into glory. 

This was possibly the best way to announce a game. Be sure to keep your eyes out for Silent Hills! Iknow I will.

5. Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain is coming to Steam

With the advent of the new console generation, many had predicted that games would become much easier to port over to PC due to consoles having a similar architecture. Hideo Kojima also  voiced interest in developing for the PC in general.

Metal Gear Rising was released on Steam earlier this year, and it was a damn good port. Many believed that this would mean that more Japanese games would start to show themselves on Steam, so perhaps the next Metal Gear will be playable on PC?

Well as it turns out, MGSV is officially coming to PC, an announcement made during the  MGSV stream at Gamescom, showing a humorous scene of Snake hiding under a Steam box with steam flowing out from it.  No release date has been given yet, but rest assured that I'll be playing the game on both PS4 and PC because I love Metal Gear!

6. Advanced Warfare multiplayer reveal looks amazing

Pls Call of Duty, Pls
(image from

Normally, Call of Duty has this stigma around it that nothing changes with each iteration of games. While I'd normally contest that, I don't disagree that the series has gotten incredibly stale after a short amount of time.

Advanced Warfare, on the other hand, had my interest at first. A futuristic shooter with future tech and all that jazz? a new engine? a new developer? sign me up.

My hype thrusters weren't in full throttle until I got to see the newest trailer for AW however, and here it is:


Not only does it look much more fast paced, but players have access to all sorts of cool toys and gadgets! You have jetpacks that allow you to do directional boosting, you have motion controlled grenades, you have crossbows and shotguns and riot shields, etc etc etc. 

While many have done the obvious comparison between Titanfall and Advanced Warfare, it's nothing like Titanfall. Both games have their very stark differences. For one, Advanced Warfare does no feature the parkour system that Titanfall has and thus feels much slower paced. That and the lack of Titans of course. 

The quicker pace also makes Advanced Warfare seem like an arena shooter as well, similar to Quake, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, etc. This is definitely exciting and has reignited my attraction to the series. 

7. Overkill is making a Walking Dead game

OK, so the Tomb Raider announcement was pretty disappointing, but it was quickly rectified. THIS however, takes the cake as the most disappointing announcement at Gamescom so far.

A little back story:

Around a month ago, Payday 2 developers Overkill created a teaser site for what looked like a lead up to a major announcement to something Payday 2 related. The site had a countdown timer that lead to the anniversary of Payday 2, so it MUST be something related tot he game right?

Payday 2 has had a bit of a history. While it's one of my current favorite games, it has problems everywhere, specifically in how Overkill handles their updates, DLC and community management. So most fans, like me, were hoping for a really big announcement that would make everyone feel better.

Nope, Walking Dead.

Don't get me wrong, I love Walking Dead. The comics are awesome, the Tell Tale games are legendary, the TV show is great!


What makes this announcement worse is that only a trailer was shown for the game. Hell, even the teaser site had audio that referenced the Payday universe. OH and another thing, the game is set to be released in 2016...2 years from now. Why would you make us wait a month to just announce something we have to wait another 2 years for?

Anyways, here's the fucking trailer:

I'll keep my eye on this, mainly because I like The Walking Dead and Overkill makes generally good games. So we'll see how it goes.

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