Sunday, June 8, 2014

Games to look out for in 2014

2013 was a BLAST!

We got games like The Last of Us, Super Mario 3D World, GTAV, Pokemon X/Y and so much more!

SO what's on the horizon for 2014?

Well, we're already a couple of months into 2014, but we haven't gotten to the meat of things yet. Sure we've had Titanfall, Infamous Second Son and Mario Kart 8, but what's next? What will keep me warm during the cold cold Canadian winters as I sit in front of my TV's friendly glow?

Well, here's a list of  games to look out for in 2014!

1. The Last of Us Remastered

Over 200 GOTY awards is...pretty good!

I know what you're thinking. Sure, this might not seem like a good option, but personally, it's something most PS4 owners should look out for.

The original Last of Us was, in short, AMAZING. Awesome graphics, gripping story, and tight tigh gameplay. Aw yiss.

So how do you make an amazing game even better? Well, first off, increase the resolution! Yes, The Last of Us Remastered is now in 1080p!

What else? INCREASE THAT FRAME RATE!  While The Last of Us looked great, some people might have issues with it's 30 FPS cap that could sometimes drop and feel sluggish. But don't fear! The remastered edition is at a buttery smooth 60 FPS.

On top of that, the game will feature all the DLC from the original game including the fantastic Left Behind DLC episode.

If you're a PS4 owner, pick it up.

If you're an Xbox 360 convert, pick it up.

If you've already played it on the PS3, I'd say it's worth a pick up. I'm definitely going to double dip myself!

Release Date: TBA (rumoured for June)

2. Ultra Street Fighter 4

Maybe we'll see Ultra Street Fighter 4: Arcade Supermax Competitive Edition Alpha sometime in the future!

Again, I know what you're thinking. But Ultra Street Fighter 4 promises to bring a TON of new content for fighting game fans everywhere.

Most fighting games are infamous for making 'new editions' like this, but none other than Street Fighter. Ultra is the successor of Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition which is the successor of Super Street Fighter 4, which is the successor of Street Fighter 4.


So what makes Ultra so special?

Well, four new characters is a welcome surprise. New characters are always awesome!

And along with new characters means a whole bunch of changes to balancing for ALL characters.

On top of that, fighting game fans will have the option to play as any version of their favorite Street Fighter 4 character! (Vanilla Sagat anyone?)

Basically, Ultra should be a game that fighting game fans should definitely look out for if you aren't already.

Release Date:
PSN Digital Upgrade: June 3rd (out now)
XBLA Digital Upgrade: June 4th (out now)

PS/XB Physical: August 5th (NA)
PC: August 8th

3. Dragon Age Inquisition

Oh man. That's pretty fuckin' metal
The folks at Bioware have graced us with yet another entry to the Dragon Age Franchise.

While the second game did not live up to the excellence of Origins, it was still a decent fantasy game.

Dragon Age Inquisition aims to bring the series back to it's roots and improving the experience using the phenomenal Frost Bite engine. If you haven't seen any footage of the game yet, let me help you out. 

Awwww yissss

Expect to see Morrigan from DA:O and Verrick from DA 2 appear in Inquisition along with many other returning characters.

RPG Fans alike should be super hyped for this game. It's looking to be very...very good.

With Biowares excellent story telling and universe building,  Dragon Age: Inquisition looks to impress and amaze RPG fans everywhere. 

Release Date: October 7th (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

4. Driveclub

Aw Yiss. Cars.
After being delayed for at least a year, Driveclub is looking to be an incredible racer for Sony's Playstation 4.

From the developers who brought the Motorstorm franchise to PS3, Driveclub looks to offer unprecedented visuals with tight racing gameplay.

Car fans will have a lot to find here.

A collection of cars, highly detailed tracks, and awesome online.

What makes Driveclub a different kind of racing game is the ability to link up with your friends over PSN and create your own Club. Participate in races and you'll earn or lose points for your club. Will you and your team be able to come out on top as the best in the world?

Speaking of visuals, here are some amazing gameplay videos  (2:18 trailer) (11:07 preview)

I mean...DAYUM. Just look at the detail!

Hell, after initially poor response from an early E3 build, developers Evolution have managed to take the extra time to make Driveclub the best possible racer for PS4 owners.

Release Date: October 7th (PS4)

5. Alien: Isolation

They mostly come out in October...mostly

So the Aliens franchise has had a VERY rocky history lately on video games.

Alien Colonial Marines was a COMPLETE mess (thanks Gearbox...)

So Alien fans are still eagerly awaiting a proper Alien game. Alien Isolation looks to deliver this with a return to survival horror.

Hey, remember Amnesia: The Dark Descent? one of the best horror games to come out in recent memory? Well, the good news is that Isolation is taking a lot of inspiration from it.

The premise of the game is that you're a female engineer (or something, can't really remember) stuck on a space station. But you're not alone, you're also in the company of a single Alien Xenomorph.

This Xenomorph is looking to hunt you down and eat you up, and not in a cute way either. So the only way to survive run and hide like a LITTLE BITCH!

But that's the best thing you can do with Aliens. Make you feel incredibly helpless against this apex predator. Using any technology around you to keep track of the beast and hopefully, get out of the station alive.

Isolation aims to provide a genuine Alien experience with an impressive AI for the single Alien enemy. I have high hopes for this, and if it turns out to be a disappointment...well I guess we can all hope for another Alien game...right?

Release Date: October 7th (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

6. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Such a badass. Glowing eyes automatically make you tougher

hmm...another Lord of the Rings game eh?

Well, not really. It's not a game that takes place within the Lord of the Rings Mythos, but acts as an extension to the story....kinda like...most of the recent Middle Earth themed games...but we don't want to talk about those.

So what makes this game any special?

Well, first off, it's by Monlith Productions, the guys behind the F.E.A.R. series. 

Secondly, you get to play as a Ranger who's got Wraith abilities because he's half Wraith.

Wait, it gets a little better.

There's also a nemesis system that promises to create a unique experience for everyone who plays the game.

How does this system work? Well, as Talion (the ranger) goes about his adventure, he will run into a bunch of Orcs, Goblins, etc. Any nasty creatures that may belong to the armies of Mordor. But say Talion doesn't kill one of the Orcs and it gets away during the fray.

That Orc will continue to live in the games world, creating his own story. That Orc will remember Talion. His revenge fueld bloodlust will have him climb up the ranks of Mordor and Talion may run into him again.

And when Talion does run into him again, you can bet your ass the fight will be tougher. That orc will have trained hard and might even have scars from his previous fight with Talion. Hell, he might even have his own personal guard. Anything is possible with this Nemesis system.

Shadow of Mordor also promises to deliver an open world experience. So couple that with the nemesis system and you'd got one hell of an RPG experience in your hands.

Here, check out this impressive gameplay demo which talks about the nemesis system.

Release Date: October 7th (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

7. The Evil Within

Maybe it's talking about indigestion

Ah...Resident the mighty fall.

Once upon a time, Resident Evil used to be an amazing horror series.

Now it's just crap. Resident Evil 4 was amazing, but it opened pandoras box to make the next two games incredibly action heavy. Something that shouldn't be a part of a survival horror game anyways. The Resident Evil Series are no longer Survival Horror, they're Action Horror, similar to Dead Space.

But rejoice Resident Evil fans! Shinji Mikami (The creator of the Resident Evil series) is going to release his first horror game since the excellent Resident Evil 4! And it's called The Evil Within (Or Psycho Break in Japan, which is a MUCH better name in my opinion).

The Evil Within has players taking control of Detective Sebastian Castellanos as he investigates some paranormal activity at a murder scene. He eventually finds himself in an incredibly twisted world filled with horrors that range to your classic zombie-like creatures to straight up long, black haired spider women.

Fans of horror should deffinitely keep an eye out for this game. While it may not look like your typical and traditional survival horror, twisted monster designs, excellent sound direction and the use of a modified id Tech 5 engine will be enough to keep you entertained and possibly scared shitless.

Enjoy this twisted trailer!

ok, that wasn't gameplay (it was the reveal teaser),  here's the gameplay one!

Release Date: October 21 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

8. Evolve


Ok, those that know me personally will know that I'm a HUGE Left 4 Dead fan.

So imagine my excitement when I heard that the developers of Left 4 Dead are making a new game!

No, not Valve. Turtle Rock Studios! (Look up the history)

And yes, Evolve is their new game.

What makes Evolve special? Well think of it as Left 4 Dead....a co-operative based shooting game. Only this time, each human character has a different class and each class has a different role. We've got the medic, thetrapper, the assult, and the support classes. Each have their own set of weapons and each have their own roles.

Now, 4 human players will take the role of the hunters, but one player will take on the role as a gigantic monster that the hunters have to...well...hunt.

The only monster to have been revealed so far is the Golitah. A fire breathing, leaping, spikey behemoth. 
Turtle Rock have teased that more monsters will be in the game and might be revealed the closer we get to release.

Now, as the monster, your job initially is to hunt other monsters in the level (yes, there are alien flora and fauna to worry about, like giant crocodiles or humongous venus fly traps). As the monster hunts other creatures, it gains experience. Enough experience allows it to evolve into a more advanced state.

The Golitah, for example, will have it's fire breath available in the second stage along with increased health, size and strength.

The monster has to kill all the hunters and the hunters have to kill the monster.

Basically think of it as a 20 minute fight with a super powered Tank.

Evolve looks to be one of the best co-op competitive games to grace 2014. Fans of Left 4 Dead or any other co-operative shooter should have this on their radar. I know I'll be getting it.

Hell, it's also a current gen only game! WHICH MEANS NO LAST GEN RESTRICTIONS! YAY!

Enjoy this gameplay commentary (First 8 minutes is worth watching, the rest is just different perspectives from different players)

Release Date: October 21 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

9. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Moar Cod? Yup. Moar Cod.

Oh...Great...another Call of Duty game....

OH BUT WAIT, This is the first game to come from that new developer Sledgehammer games.

It's also the first COD game to be developed for 3 years instead of 2!


Aw yiss.

Yes, the Call of Duty franchise has...well, a pretty bad label. Yearly release, barely any changes, expensive DLC map packs, etc etc. It got really really stale.

However, Advanced Warfare looks to do what Modern Warefare did for the FPS genre, and that's to bring the future setting into a full blown thing.

Titanfall tried, but it didn't capture an audience big enough in order to bring in the future setting as the next generation standard. But if Advanced Warfare does well enough, it might make the future setting something we'll see much more commonly for this generation of consoles. 

Hell, the future setting itself is fresh! Unlike the modern setting or WW2 settings, you can do just about anything with the future setting. Destiny is going to have a full blown space epic whereas Advanced Warfare will keep it on Earth with advanced technology.

You can make up any kind of war scenario you want and any kind of weapon you want. The possibilities are endless.

Hell, Advanced Warfare even looks to be using a much better looking engine than it's predecessors. Along with those gameplay quirks I listed above, this may be a reason to get excited for COD again.

Check out this sick trailer! It's got Kevin Spacey!!

Release Date: November 4th (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

10. Bayonetta 2


Poor Wii U. Not a lot of stuff in 2014...


The sequel to one of last generations best action games, Bayonetta 2 looks to bring in more awesome Witch character action gameplay. Comeplete with crazy ass boss fights, tight controls, fantastical enemies, wicked combos and so much more.

Bayonetta 2 being a Wii U exclusive may seem like a strange decision, but Platinum Games showed they can work with the Nintendo console well with their previous release of The Wonderful 101.

We don't have a release date for Bayonetta 2 yet, but we do know it's coming out in Japan this summer. So chances are that we'll see this game grace North America and Europe around Fall or Winter.


Release Date: TBA

11. Super Smash Brothers 4 (3DS and Wii U)

Another reason to get a Wii U for maybe?

Who can't be excited for the next installment of everyone's favourite all star beat em up?

The next smash bros is coming out for both Nintendo consoles, the 3DS and the Wii U. Both games promise to play very well and sort of a mixture between Melee and Brawl.

The 3DS version will feature exclusive stages as well as the Wii U, but the roster will stay exactly the same across both platforms. 

We're also seeing a great roster, complete with newcomers like Little Mac from Punch Out, Greninja from Pokemon, and Megaman from...Megaman.

Nintendo has also teased that both games will work together in some way....we just don't know how.

Anyways, not much can be said about Smash Bros besides...GET HYPED

So here's another hype trailer!


Release Dates:
Summer 2014 (3DS)
Winter 2014 (Wii U)


Assassins Creed Unity (French Revolution setting and current gen only?? YES PLEASE) - PC, PS4, Xbox One

Far Cry 4 (Ride-able Elephants and the Himalayas await) - PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (3D Hoenn confirmed!)

The Sims 4 (Better art design, better building, better animations. Just better looking overall!)

Sunset Overdrive (Insomniac Games makes a colorful open world game with 8 player co-op) -  Xbox One

Civilization: Beyond Earth (Now you can spend hours and hours conquering space!) - PC

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth (One of the best indie titles to date gets a new facelift and a TON of extra goodies!) - PC, PS4, PSVita, Mac, Linux

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Colorful ultra violence! HURRAY!) - PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, PS Vita

There's much much more, but I think I've gone on long enough.

Do you have a most anticipated title for 2014? Feel free to comment about it!

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