Thursday, August 28, 2014

Movie Review: As Above, So Below

It's a Cool poster, but it reminds me of the film...and makes me sick...
(image from:

As Above, So Below is a horror flick...but it didn't really feel like one. The scares were non existent, the camera work was sickening and the plot (while interesting) was executed poorly.

As Above, So Below follows a young woman named Scarlett and her attempts to find the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Her research leads her to the Paris catacombs in very Tomb Raider/Uncharted/Indiana Jones fashion. In fact, this film was inspired by those franchises, and it becomes incredibly apparent when you first meet Scarlett. She's a perfect character. 2 PHD's, fluent in four languages and two dead ones, masters in chemistry, so on and so forth. Now, since her research has lead her to the Paris Catacombs, there's bound to be a horrific adventure to follow right?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Movie Review: Hercules

Should have just been called 'A day in the life of The Rock'

There's only one way I can explain Hercules as a movie.

Think of a roller coaster. Now when I see a roller coaster, I always think 'oh damn! that sure looks like fun! I better gather my friends and take a ride on that thing and experience some thrills!'. So I get some friends who may be roller coaster fans and ride the damn thing. During the ride, I'll be having a ton of fun, and shortly after the ride, I'll be laughing about it, talking about my favorite parts with my friends and so on. But not long after that, I'll start to forget about my experience with the roller coaster, because in the end that's all it was, short-term entertainment.

This is precisely how I would explain Hercules.

You see, Hercules is just that. Short-term fun and only something you should experience with a group of friends who will be just as entertained as you are at the premise of watching The Rock smash some guys with his fists.

I went into Hercules with some pretty low expectations, expecting the movie to be bad in terms of story, acting, special effects...But I did expect it to be a fun film. Something I could sit back and enjoy without having to really think.

Hercules delivers on that front.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Top 10 Video Games

So I'm a little sick, stuffed head and what not. Not the most enjoyable physical state, but what can you do?

So I've given it some though, I'm going to write about my top 10 video games of all time. These are my personal choices and I'll explain why I love these games so much. However, I've found that this list has been constantly changing throughout the years, so who knows how long this top 10 will last? Perhaps a new, better game will come out and smash one of these titles off my list. I know some of these managed to take away other titles from my list, so who knows right?

Anyways, my top 10 video games will not only be based on quality but what they mean to me. Most of this may come off as very snobbish, I may talk about a ton of different concepts and themes that would make you go 'They're just video games dude, calm down'. But you know what? Video games, to me, are what I love. I have my reasons to love these games, I have my reasons for feeling what I feel, sure they may seem trivial to you, perhaps you may not agree with me, but that's all part of having an opinion!

So here it goes, my top 10 video games of all time:

10. Dark Souls

Prepare to die. Prepare to learn.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Biggest News from Gamescom 2014

For those not in the know, Gamescom is the worlds largest video game convention. Even larger than E3 with an attendance rate in the 6 digits.

Anyways, this years Gamescom has been incredibly exciting so far with a slew of great news being poured out of the pipes as we speak. I could hardly contain my excitement, so I'm going to write this article with the biggest news from Gamescom!

In no particular order, here is the biggest news from Gamescom 2014:

1. Halo 5 multiplayer will be like classic Halo multiplayer

Some images from the Beta

Monday, August 11, 2014

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

Be prepared to be high on believin' because Guardians exceeds the hype
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What can be said about Guardians of the Galaxy?

When the original trailer was released, it basically summed up most of our reactions:


But after Marvels most obscure film to date, and possibly one of their most obscure super hero teams to ever hit mainstream media everyone will know who the Guardians of the Galaxy are.

And for good reason! This movie was absolutely amazing. It was everything I wanted it to be and so much more.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Movie Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

While the movie was amazing, it's a shame the poster is so generic

(image from:

Summer tends to be a time for big blockbuster films to come out so that the general population will stay entertained for those long, hot months. Most of them tend to be big budget action flicks with so-so special effects and mediocre plot. I mean, what kind of summer movie person wants to see a film with depth?

As it turns out, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is not one of those movies.While the trailers, and the poster, give off a sense of "oh great, another action flick with bad story" or "Oh, this is only just trying to feed off the success of the previous film" the actual movie was an adventure with character, emotion, depth, and substance.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Who are The Guardians of the Galaxy?

Marvels latest film is perhaps their most obscure. Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy? Why is that tree thing talking? On top of that, why is that Racoon wielding a gun?

Well, in case you movie goers and comic lovers are interested, I've decided to write out a little article that details the characters we’ll see in the new movie.

So let’s start off with the team and it’s leader shall we?
oooh yeeeah
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    1. Peter Quill (A.k.a. Star Lord)

'I'm Star-Lord'
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Peter Quill is an earthling. Yeah, it looks like he’s been flying around space for quite a while, but his general origin is this:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Wolf Among Us Review

(image from:

Since the final episode for Telltale Games The Wolf Among Us was released today, I got to finish the entire game and have decided to write up a review for it.

For fans of Telltale, The WOlf Among us will be steeping into very familiar territory. Not much has changed in terms of gameplay, it's your typical adventure game, walking around and interacting with characters and environments and what not, but that's not the main attraction here.

What draws me, and many others, towards Telltale and their games (like The Walking Dead) is their brilliant story telling. The Wolf Among Us does not disappoint in this area at all, in fact I can safely say that this has been one hell of a story that could either be just as good or even better than the first season of The Walking Dead.

Friday, July 4, 2014

10 Indie Games You NEED To Play

Indie games have seen explosive exposure over the years and rightly so. Indie games have given gamers countless hours of awesome, fun, gameplay that most triple A developers failed to deliver. Unfortunately, a lot of these games can't be found through traditional media, so you really have to dig deep and find them yourself. The best way to discover great indie games is still, in my opinion, through word of mouth.

And that's precisely what I'm going to do here, show off 10 AMAZING indie titles that I've had the absolute pleasure to play, ranging from hardcore isometric RPG games to traditional point and click adventures, these are the 10 Indie Games that you NEED to play.

So let's start the list with one game that showed that Kickstarter and Crowd funding was a serious method of self publishing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Movie Review: How To Train Your Dragon 2 Review

Should be named: How To Make A Great Sequel
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Like most of the movies I've seen this season, I wasn't expecting How To Train Your Dragon 2 to be good nor would it live up to the success of it's predecessor. So going into this movie, I wasn't expecting TOO much, but ratings on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes have been telling me that it's stellar.

That can't be right, almost all Dream Works sequels are terrible!

Well, in the end, How To Train Your Dragon 2 ends up being one of this years best animated movies and even manages to be just as good, if not better, than the original.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Movie Review: 22 Jump Street Review

Definitely not a shitty sequel
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I appreciate my comedy flicks. Without comedy movies, my movie viewing would be a lot less enjoyable in my opinion. You need some laughter to go along with all that drama and grit. It's nice to see that 22 Jump Street delivers on the laughs non-stop throughout the entirety of it's run time.

22 Jump Street came at a weird place. People are sick of sequels, especially comedy sequels. Who the hell wants to see idiots doing stupid shit another time? Surely 22 Jump Street wouldn't be funny. It could NEVER live up to it's predecessor, 21 Jump Street.

Well, the good news is that it does, and it even surpasses 21 Jump Street in terms of hilarity.

The Hate Corner: 300: Rise of an Empire sex scene


This is the Hate Corner. Where I get to rant about whatever the fuck I want to rant about.

And this time in the hate corner is the sex scene from 300: Rise of an Empire, the sequel to 300.

So let me get this out of the way first. I thought this movie was alright. It wasn't overly special nor was it terrible. It was your typical action movie with little substance but badass visuals and sub-par acting.

You sir...are a fucking idiot
(image from
Now, the main thing that made me go 'What the hell were they thinking??' in this particular movie was the sex scene between main character Themistocles and main antagonist Artemisia.

Now, I liked Artemisia. Eva Green really made her into a strong villain who was portray well as an insane yet powerful military leader.

This chick is CRAZEH
(image from

I can't say the same for Themistocles though. He was probably one of the worst leaders I've seen on screen. I'm certain his historical counter part was just fine, but jesus christ, in Rise of an Empire, he's just got no idea what the hell he's doing.

Edge of Tomorrow and Video Games

I wrote a little review for Edge of Tomorrow, a excellent sci-fi film that surprised me by being not as bad as I was expecting it to be! In fact, it was incredible!

I had some more thinking time with the movie. While some thought that the movie wasn't great, I can understand the sentiment. I mean, it is an action sci-fi flick in the summer. A genre that's generally pretty 'meh' when it comes to big wig film lovers. Even I had my doubts.

So why did I like Edge of Tomorrow so much? Well, let me tell you...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Movie Review: The Edge of Tomorrow

Spoilers: Tom Cruise does indeed run in this movie.
(image from

When I first saw the trailer for The Edge of Tomorrow, I thought this was going to be a really bad attempt at sci fi and a half assed attempt as romance.

Oh look, it's Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, and they seem to have powers that let them relive a single day together. Sure there's action, but...eeeh.

SO I went and actually saw the movie because I'm a loser and have no job and I gotta say, this was a VERY pleasant surprise. The movie didn't suck at all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Most Hype Announcements: E3 Conferences

The major E3 conferences are over!

And you know what? This years E3 was so far one of the best I've seen. Everyone had great conferences and everyone had awesome new games to show!

So I'm going to cover each conference in order and list the hypest shit that was announced.

So strap on your seat belts kiddos, it's gonna be a wild ride!

Image from:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Games to look out for in 2014

2013 was a BLAST!

We got games like The Last of Us, Super Mario 3D World, GTAV, Pokemon X/Y and so much more!

SO what's on the horizon for 2014?

Well, we're already a couple of months into 2014, but we haven't gotten to the meat of things yet. Sure we've had Titanfall, Infamous Second Son and Mario Kart 8, but what's next? What will keep me warm during the cold cold Canadian winters as I sit in front of my TV's friendly glow?

Well, here's a list of  games to look out for in 2014!

1. The Last of Us Remastered

Over 200 GOTY awards is...pretty good!

I know what you're thinking. Sure, this might not seem like a good option, but personally, it's something most PS4 owners should look out for.

The original Last of Us was, in short, AMAZING. Awesome graphics, gripping story, and tight tigh gameplay. Aw yiss.

So how do you make an amazing game even better? Well, first off, increase the resolution! Yes, The Last of Us Remastered is now in 1080p!

What else? INCREASE THAT FRAME RATE!  While The Last of Us looked great, some people might have issues with it's 30 FPS cap that could sometimes drop and feel sluggish. But don't fear! The remastered edition is at a buttery smooth 60 FPS.

The Worst of E3

Gamer Christmas can have its stockings full of coal too

So my last entry was all about the most important E3 moments for myself. Next up will be the absolute worst of the current Big Three of the console market.

Well, at least according to my memory. This list won't be in any particular order. Just sit back and enjoy the terrible events of the past.

Anyways, let's dive right into the shittiness that E3 has the potential to be...and in order to start it off, let's look at one of the most infamous press conferences of all time...

1. Giant Enemy Crabs, Second Jobs, and RIIIIIDGE RACEEEEER! Sony is revealing a new console this year? E3 2006 is going to be one hell of a show! I heard this thing had some of the best graphics we'll ever see! I heard that this console was going to build on the successes of the PS2! I also heard that a ton of new games were going to be shown to get the fans hyped!

*about an hour and a half later*

E3's Most Important Moments (My choices)

So out of a suggestion from some friends, I've decided to start a blog for myself.
As the name suggests, it's be a blog specifically for nerd-culture! Comics! Video Games! Movies! ETC ETC

This week however, I'll be starting my blog off with something very dear to my nerdy little heart: The Electronic Entertainment Expo, or more commonly known as E3!

Yes, E3 is upon us once again. Gamer Christmas! The most exciting moment of the year for gamers!

Ah yes, E3...there's something magical about it...

So let's take a little bit of a look back at some of the most important moments in E3 history. Well, according to me anyways (apologies for missing out on your favorite moment!)